Sunday, February 7, 2016

About Moi

Bonjour! Welcome to my blog, The Rivendell Musician's Blog! I hope that I can post often, though it is not guaranteed with the busy schedule that I have. To get to know who I am a little better, I am going to list a few of my favorite things (Great. I have gotten "The Sound of Music" song stuck in my head now...). I have done this on another one of my blogs,, but as time went by, my "favorites" may have changed a bit.

Favorite Candy: Anything minty
Favorite Color: Blue-green
Favorite Computer Game: Roblox or Minecraft...
Favorite Drink: One of the drinks made by the Purple Unicorn Society (random drinks and foods mixed together...)
Favorite Food: Sushi and ramen 
Favorite Holiday: Christmas? Je ne sais pas...
Favorite Season: Winter! Snow is amazing!

Favorite Joke: Note: You must be a Lord of the Rings fan. Statistics show that the average American has 1.5 children.
Favorite Movie: "The Hobbit" movies, "The Lord of the Rings" movies,
Favorite Place to Visit: Rivendell or the Shire or Narnia or maybe Redwall... or Hogwarts (because I like educational places...).
Favorite President: John Adams? By the way, I definitely recommend the John Adams If Alexander Hamilton ever became president, it would definitely be him (Note that if I refer to "Hammy," I am referring to Alexander Hamilton. :) ). 
Favorite Sports: A sport that involves running and running only.
Favorite Subject in School: Social Studies and Band
Favorite Trees: Trees that bear fruit.
Favorite Vegetable: I like many vegetables, but I also dislike many vegetables.
Favorite Video Game: I do not really video game.
Favorite Broadway Production: ALEXANDER HAMILTON A.K.A. HAMMY FOR LIFE

Favorite Word: Hence and defenestration and ratiocination
Favorite Book: I like too many books. Je suis une bookworm. However, the Bible is the best of the best books.
Favorite Book Series: The Maze Runner, LoTR, Narnia, Eye of Minds, The Game is Life, and Redwall series. (There are more, but I cannot think of all of them at the moment...)

Thank you for bearing with me through the list of favorites of mine, and I hope that you have gotten to know me more through it. Stay tuned for more posts that are coming soon! :)
-Priscilla Tam a.k.a. the Rivendell Musician
(and the amazing Tryangle College)

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